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Patch Notes: NW.115.20190729e.24

Di Ambassador Kael | mer 28 ago 2019 21:47:41 PDT


Tales of Old: Dread Vault

Thanks again to players who checked this event out on NeverwinterPreview!

  • Players can now properly enter the Dread Vault as a party.
  • Ranks 2-5 of the Flayed Storyteller's Journal now properly use the intended stats and abilities, instead of those of the Frozen Storyteller's Journal.


Combat and Powers


  • Companions now properly teleport to the player when they're too far away, even in combat.


Enemies and Encounters

Tower of the Mad Mage

  • Halaster now has unique boss bar art.

nw-news, nw-patch-notes, neverwinter,

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