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Winter 2018 Free Gifts and Events!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | mer 19 dic 2018 07:00:00 PST

Winter has come and so has our celebration of this wonderful year for Neverwinter. We’re saying farewell to 2018 by holding a series of promotional events that are sure to warm your hearts from the frigid weather outside.

We’ve put together a list and checking it twice of all the events and freebies we have until the end of the year – and then some! 

Free Items Schedule (Claim from the Zen Market):



Thursday, 12/20

Free Winter Wolf Mount

Friday, 12/21

Free Refinement Pack

Saturday, 12/22

Free 5x Scrolls of Life

Sunday, 12/23

Free Bahamut Scale & Claw

Monday, 12/24

Free 3x Preservation Ward

Tuesday, 12/25

Free Neverember Guard

Wednesday, 12/26

Free Courtesan Fashion Set

Thursday, 12/27

Free Change Appearance Token

 *7:30am PT for PC and 10am PT for Console


Double Events Schedule:




2x XP
2x Professions
2x Guild Marks



2x Refining Stones
2x Stronghold Shards



2x Influence
Bonus RP



*Check individual event blogs for specific starting and ending time per platform


That’s quite a lot going on! Don’t forget to log in every day for your free gifts from December 20th to the 27th! If you ever need a reminder for the weeks to come, make sure to bookmark this page.

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