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Patch Notes: Version: NW.100.20180709g.28

Di Julia (nitocris83) | mer 17 ott 2018 17:15:06 PDT

Release Notes

Content and Environment


  • Merchant Misery: The final scarecrow group now properly spawns within a reasonable time.
  • Pack of Lies / Company of Wolves: Players can no longer get the quest stuck by splitting up.
  • Players no longer catch fire when standing on a campfire near the vistani encampment.


  • Dread Ring Support: This quest now receives credit from the quest, Contact Other Plane.
  • Sea of Moving Ice: Players are no longer pulled into combat near one of the scrying stones.
  • Storming the Castle: The functionality of this quest has been reverted while we test a solution that allows players to receive credit in public queues.
  • Tomb of the Nine Gods: Tons of dinosaurs no longer all spawn at once in a pit.



Combat and Powers

Classes and Balance

  • Trickster Rogue: Invisible Infiltrator now only procs once off a single cast of Bloodbath.



Items and Economy


  • Storm King's Thunder campaign store: Rings can now properly be purchased.
  • Unrestored artifact gear from the Cloaked Ascendancy now properly matches the item level of its restored counterparts.



User Interface

Character Sheet

  • Account-wide retrains now properly function, and accounts with them can now properly retrain. Personal retraining tokens will be used before any account-wide ones are used.

Item Appearance

  • Moving the cursor while changing item appearances no longer causes them to rotate vertically.



Art, Animation, Audio, and Effects


  • Player characters now properly play a death animation when killed in a downed state.



Performance and Stability


  • The frame rate no longer drops when the player has a primary quest without a Quest Path.

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