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Developer Blog: Class Balance Updates

Di Julia (nitocris83) | mar 25 set 2018 07:00:00 PDT

Hail adventurers!

In The Heart of Fire we have a whole lot of class changes coming your way. Each class has gotten at least a couple of small changes, so most of you will have something to look forward to. This update focuses mainly on Trickster Rogue and Control Wizard and both of these classes have gotten the largest amount of changes overall. There are also some other key takeaways such as animation changes for Oathbound Paladins and Scourge Warlocks, revamps of a couple of feat trees, and general balancing of powers.

We know that you’ve been asking for it for a while now, but the Trickster Rogue update is finally here! Many At-will, encounter, class feature, and daily powers have been tweaked and updated to be more worthwhile. All three Feat trees have had work done to them to make them more unique and competitive. And, Stealth and Stealth Regeneration have had a handful of adjustments to be less oppressive against other players but more consistent for the Trickster Rogue. 

While Trickster Rogue had a large amount of work done, Control Wizard has also gotten a hefty amount of changes to go with this patch. Arcane Mastery has had numerous updates to make it more worthwhile for Arcane Powers. This means that many bugs were fixed for Arcane Mastery and some powers even have new effects to go with it! On top of this, we took a pass at balancing out their class features and even adjusted their feat trees.

A common complaint that we saw for the Scourge Warlock community, and rarely the Oathbound Paladin community, was that their animations felt slow, or clunky. In order to address this, we decided to take a pass at the worst offenders for both classes. Many powers have had small tweaks to their animation times to make them feel faster and more fluid, especially when chaining them into other attacks. While the timing of many animations has changed, you probably won’t notice much of a visual change as these were mostly back-end fixes.

There’s also a couple of quality of life fixes that are minor, such as; Tanks now only require 10% of their stamina to start blocking (down from 20%) and holding down an at-will button will no longer be interrupted when using your tactical ability.  There are many other changes I could talk about like the Soul Puppet changes for Scourge Warlock, the Divinity changes for Devoted Cleric, or even the buff changes for Hunter Ranger, but I will leave it at that for you to explore for yourselves!


For TR Class Updates details and discussion visit the official forum post

For CW Class Updates details and discussion visit the official forum post

For HR Class Updates details and discussion visit the official forum post

For SW Class Updates details and discussion visit the official forum post

For OP Class Updates details and discussion visit the official forum post

For DC Class Updates details and discussion visit the official forum post

For GWF Class Updates details and discussion visit the official forum post

For GF Class Updates details and discussion visit the official forum post



Tony “Balanced” Marasco
Systems Designer

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