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Patch Notes: Version: NW.100.20180709g.10

Di Julia (nitocris83) | mer 22 ago 2018 17:45:14 PDT

Release Notes


Items and Economy


  • Dinohide Assault Amibari now properly provides the Deflect rating it says it does.
  • Puppet's Plate: This item power now has an icon.
  • Storm King's Thunder: Relic armor can now properly be purchased from the campaign store.
  • Wanted Poster - Lycosa: This item's tooltip now properly refers to a reward of Lycosa's Barbed Gloves instead of the nonexistent Poisonous Haired Gloves.



User Interface


  • Random Queues no longer incorrectly display while the Private category is selected.
  • When prompted for a leaver penalty, the prompt now clearly states that it will apply account-wide.

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