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40% off the Zen Market!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | gio 23 nov 2017 18:00:00 PST

Hear ye, hear ye! A proclamation from Lord Neverember! All items in the Zen Market will be 40% off for the entire weekend!

The Black Friday Sale begins Friday, November 24 at 12:00am PT

The Black Friday Sale ends Tuesday, November 28 at 10am PT

Additional sales on Zen and Packs, a Charge Promotion, and other offers and events are also occurring throughout the weekend! As a reminder:

PC: We have the Bonus RP and Coins of Waukeen events, Charge Bonus Zen, discount on Packs on the Arc website, and a Bonus Rewards Charge Promotion with unique rewards based on the charged amounts. 

Xbox One: We have Double RP, Resurgence Lockbox, and a Zen and Pack sale on the Microsoft Store.

PlayStation 4: We have Double RP, Resurgence Lockbox, and a Zen and Pack sale on the PlayStation®Store.

With all these sales and events, we hope this weekend proves to be plentiful to you, your family, and your friends. Thank you for playing Neverwinter!

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