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2x XP & 2x Enchants and Runestones

Di Julia (nitocris83) | mer 25 ott 2017 07:00:00 PDT

A great weekend for leveling and enchanting is coming up! Your characters and companions will level faster than ever with Double XP! Earn twice as much XP from quests, killing enemies and other in-game activities.

In addition, with 2x Enchantments and Runestones you will receive double the amount of these that you would normally get wherever you are in the game. They will now drop twice as much!

2x XP and 2x Enchants & Runestones begins Thursday, October 26 at 7:30am PT (or after maintenance)

2x XP and 2x Enchants & Runestones ends Wednesday, November 1 at 7:30am PT

What will grant you double XP in Neverwinter during this event?

  • XP gained from killing creatures in game.
  • XP rewards from quests.
  • XP rewards from invocation.
  • Companions will also gain double XP. Even if you are level 70, your companions will continue to gain double XP as you progress through the game.


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