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2x XP and 20% off Services & Items! [12/15-12/22]

Di Julia (nitocris83) | gio 15 dic 2016 13:05:45 PST

Looking to catch up with other adventurers? The 2x XP event is for you! For the next week, you and your companions can level faster than ever!

2x XP Begins Thursday, December 15 at 7:30AM PT (PC) and 10AM PT (Console)

2x XP Ends Thursday, December 22 at 7:30AM PT (PC) and 10AM PT (Console)

What will grant you double XP in Neverwinter during this event?

  • XP gained from killing creatures in game.
  • XP gained from professions.
  • XP rewards from quests.
  • XP rewards from invocation.
  • Companions will also gain double XP. Even if you are level 70, your companions will continue to gain double XP as you progress through the game.


If you’re a weary veteran who’s experienced much, you may be more interested in our discounts on Services and Items! During this period, everything in the Items and Service categories of the Zen Market will be 20% off!

20% off Services and Items Starts Thursday, December 15 at 6:30AM PT (PC) and 9AM PT (Console)

20% off Services and Items Ends Thursday, December 22 at 6:30AM PT and 9AM PT (Console)

Whether you're looking for character growth, a change of looks, or to restock on adventuring supplies, Neverwinter's sales and promotions have got you covered! 


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