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Streamer Spotlight: Elementalstorm23

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | mer 02 nov 2016 13:30:00 PDT

Huzzah, everyone! I am Elementalstorm23 on Beam and I stream Neverwinter Wed-Fri at 9pm Eastern. My stream has always been about RPGs and having an awesome Free to Play game like Neverwinter let's us branch out as a community and game together while enjoying one of my favorite RPGs of Dungeon & Dragons. My community the Storm Knights is family friendly and respectable to all, we have a non vulgarity and drama policy while we mostly talk about D&D and anything geek related. I have been playing/streaming Neverwinter ever since it came to the PS4 and loving every minute of it while making many friends in the community. Come stop by the stream sometime and say hello to the amazing Storm Knights, listen to some 80's or Fantasy music, and enjoy some great entertainment!

Watch Elementalstorm23 on Beam

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