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Over 2 Million Adventurers on PlayStation®4!

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | gio 15 set 2016 10:15:00 PDT

We’re celebrating two months on PlayStation®4 this entire week with events around every corner! We’d also like to share some statistics on how successful Neverwinter has been in this short amount of time. From how many players have journeyed the Sword Coast to the amount of guilds formed, you’ll find our Double Monthiversary Infographic below.

Illuminate your console with our free Neverwinter theme now available to download from the PlayStation® Store. Tiamat would be proud to grace your gaming interface and asks for you to spread the word to all your friends.

Finally, Neverwinter merchandise is now ready to be purchased on our RedBubble account. All of the art you see is made by a group of artists who reimagined each expansion into a single design. We’ll periodically update the page this entire month, so be on the lookout. All proceeds made from this merchandise will go to the Extra Life charity.

Head here to purchase Neverwinter merchandise

Here’s a sneak peek on a few of the villainous designs you’ll find in our store:

Thank you for supporting Neverwinter from our launch until now! We hope your adventures find themselves sung by a bard one day. Here’s to many more months to come!

  • The Neverwinter team

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