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Founder's Packs - Now with New Rewards!

Di sominator | mer 20 mar 2013 21:23:13 PDT


We’ve updated our Neverwinter Founder’s Packs with even more items and goodies in preparation for Beta Weekend Three!


Hero of the North Founder’s Packs now come with 2,000,000 Astral Diamonds instead of 750,000, along with Gond’s Endless Coffer of Pyrotechnics, Dust of Creation, a PWE Games Gift Package, and the Neverwinter Digital Novella.  All of these rewards are in addition to existing perks like guaranteed access to Beta Weekend Events, Five-Day VIP access, the Menzoberranzan Renegade Playable Race, Armored Spider Mount, Panther Companion, and much more!


We’re also boosting the Guardian of Neverwinter Founder’s Packs with 600,000 Astral Diamonds instead of 125,000, a Ring of Violet Continual Light, and Lliira’s Everlasting Bottle of Levity.  Guardians of Neverwinter still receive guaranteed access to Beta Weekend Events, Three-Day VIP access, the Armored Horse Mount and Dire Wolf Companion, along with many more items!


With Beta Weekend Three coming up this weekend, there’s never been a better time to become a Founder.  Plus, if you’ve already purchased a Neverwinter Founder’s Pack, you’ll receive all of the new items when they become available!


See you in-game!


Click here to register for Neverwinter, the upcoming free-to-play Dungeons & Dragons MMORPG. The best part about Neverwinter: it's free to play! Prepare by becoming a Hero of the North today with a Founder's Pack purchase!  


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