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Foundry Spotlight: A Fateful Encounter

Di sominator | mar 28 mag 2013 19:00:41 PDT


Welcome to the Neverwinter Foundry Spotlight!


The Foundry is Neverwinter’s featured toolset that allows players to create dungeons, stories, and adventures for everyone to play and experience.  With the Foundry, you can build your own missions, brimming with quests, non-player characters (NPCs), monsters, role-playing opportunities, and/or non-stop combat, and share them with the world.  Your imagination is the springboard for the Neverwinter Foundry.


The Foundry Spotlight is a community-driven column that focuses on hand-picked, inventive player-created dungeons that allow for action-packed combat, fun roleplaying opportunities, or other unique experiences.  These exciting missions are recommended if you’re looking for a place to start with playing user-generated content, or searching for inspiration for your own future dungeons.


This week’s spotlighted quest is “Chapter 1: A Fateful Encounter” from the campaign “The Assassin Chronicles” by Zovya!



Quest Type: Roleplay, Combat

Average Duration: 15 minutes

Amount of Combat: Adjustable Combat Difficulty, Medium to Heavy

Starts at: Blacklake Market District

Mission Summary:

You are on a routine adventure clearing the Blacklake Market District of a Nasher Rebel uprising when you meet a random woman with a curious request.





“Nice quest, looking forward to the next chapter!” – unikt


“Great story, good job fellow player!” – aquintela


“Very fun, and the difficulty slider is very creative too.” – kuronochikai


Author Tips:


You can play good or evil. Your decisions affect the story.


A combat difficulty slider allows you to customize the encounters.


Chapter 2: The Initiation is due out this week!


Join the discussion on the Chapter 1: A Fateful Encounter forum thread!


Click here to register for Neverwinter, the free-to-play Dungeons & Dragons MMORPG. The best part about Neverwinter: it's free to play! Become a Hero of the North today with a Founder's Pack purchase!  


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