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Torchlight 3

Fame & Contracts in Update 9

Di echtra_hobbs | ven 13 set 2019 08:47:49 PDT

Update 9: Seeds of Fortune is almost ready to sprout. Bursting with loot and shiny things, this update not only includes the new Enchanting system, it also brings the return of Fame and Contracts! Alpha testers will have the opportunity to put the Goblin Expedition contract through its paces. In return, bushels of the aforementioned shinies!


The Empire’s frontier denizens are a busy lot, and there’s no end to the work that needs doing when you’re pushing the bounds of civilization ever outward. You’ll now discover Imperial Assignment Boards during your explorations. These boards are plastered with quests and bounties that’ll refresh weekly. The more you’ve explored, the more boards (and thereby quests) you’ll have access to each week.

And that’s why you always leave a note!

Every quest from an Imperial Assignment Board yields a minor reward plus a blast of much sought after Fame. This Fame is used for one thing, and one thing only. To complete Contracts.


Contracts are now a permanent component of the core Torchlight Frontiers experience. Completing contracts is a prime method for adding to your fort decor collection, filling your bags with crafting materials for Relics and Enchantments, adding new pets to your menagerie, and more or less stuffing your pockets with the coolest lootz! 

Contract progress is account wide. Once you’ve completed the one-time-only section, earning the explicit set of rewards found in the track, all Contracts have an additional repeating section. Each level in the repeatable section earns you a bag of randomized loot from a large pool of collectible items.

In the case of the Goblin Expedition, we’ve packed it with 60 levels worth of treasure. 

Earn Fame to unlock rewards at each Contract level. As more Contracts are added, you’ll have the option to change which contract (and its corresponding reward set) you’d like your Fame applied to. You can only progress one Contract at a time, but unlike the quests obtained from the weekly Imperial Assignment Boards, a Contract never expires.


Yeah, alright, we know why you’re here. Take a look at what’s coming with Contracts in Update 9: Seeds of Fortune!

"Roughing it" really doesn't apply when you bring your own cask of tasty beverage, chicken coop, and mattress.

Look at those stylin' backpacks! How'd they get them to sit still long enough for a fitting?

It's a safe bet that these birds probably need something a little more substantial than bird seed.

The indomitable chakawary makes its return in Torchlight Frontiers!

This is the campsite you make friends with. You know they have cold drinks in there.

This is only a tiny sample of all the amazing rewards you'll be able to earn with the return of Contracts in Update 9. We'll be sure to show off a bunch more and answer your questions in our upcoming patch preview stream. Make sure you subscribe to our Twitch channel so you don't miss it. Stay tuned for more info on a release date!

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