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Heroic Encounters in Wildspace!

Автор: Ambassador Kael | Вт 16 апр 2024 09:00:00

The battle against the Xaryxian Empire continues, this time in Heroic Encounters! Adventurers will have the chance to step into 8 new Heroic Encounters with the launch of Adventures in Wild Space. You must stand against the forces of the Empire to prevent their use of an Astral Seed, defend alchemist’s fire from rampaging bandits, herd a group of Flumphs, and more! The new Heroic Encounters will be located in specific areas at each landing site in the new Adventure Zone. The type of Encounter you are able to face will depend on the landing site, so make sure to explore them all to see all of the content!


nw-news, nw-xbox, nw-playstation, neverwinter,

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