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Neverwinter Anniversary - Protector's Jubilee!

Par Julia (nitocris83) | mar. 16 juin 2020 07:00:00 PDT

The denizens of Neverwinter are celebrating 7 years of not being razed to the ground by rampaging orcs, torched by marauding dragons, or devoured by hungry demons! It’s time for the Protector’s Jubilee!

The Protector’s Jubilee will begin on Thursday, June 18 at 10am PT

The Protector’s Jubilee will end on Thursday, June 25 at 10am PT

The Protector’s Jubilee is Neverwinter’s big anniversary event, when the city is decked in bunting and confetti floats on the breeze while performers juggle and breathe fire on the city streets.  The doors to the richly decorated Protector's Garden will open to all visitors during the event, but after the festivities, only those who have redeemed a Garden Key may enter.


Anniversary Events

During the anniversary, adventurers can partake in various events such as:

Elminster’s Messages – As part of Elminster Aumar’s visit to Protector’s Enclave, he is seeking the help of adventurers to deliver grim tidings to the Harper agents scattered across the Sword Coast. Players will travel to various zones to accomplish missions, speaking to Harpers in the field. Players will have a chance to receive two random quests based on their level. Completing the quest will grant you Protector’s Figurines that can be used to redeem Jubilee items in the event store.

Protector’s Speech Skirmish – Lord Neverember has taken this time of celebration to address the people of the city, but unsavory elements want to do anything they can to disrupt the speech. It is up to you to help prevent these creatures from disrupting this joyous occasion.

The Protector’s Speech is a scaling skirmish event that takes place in Protector’s Enclave. Each run, three randomized encounters will attack different parts of the city, and adventurers with a minimum level of 40 will have to defend the city and defeat the creatures. Defeat the hordes and you will be rewarded with many items including Neverwinter Renown.

Escort missions – With Lord Neverember seeking new business opportunities, traders and merchants from across the Sword Coast are making their way to Neverwinter! Affordable goods and a boost to the coffers are vital so players must ensure that merchants reach Neverwinter unmolested. Protect the Foreign Merchant in Blacklake District, Ebon Downs, and the Whispering Caverns and earn Protector’s Bounty!

Guilds will also find traveling merchants coming to their Stronghold, who must be escorted safely through the surrounding lands. Guilds will have access to a series of temporary traders that can visit the Stronghold for 24 hours, providing valuable guild currencies for small contributions of wood, stone, metal, and food. There’s never been a better time to join a guild and help them grow!




Taking part in the event earns players the Protector’s Bounty—packs of items including Protector’s Figurines, Renown, and more. Players can also share gifts with one another by raising a toast to Neverember’s generosity in the form of the Protector’s Hospitality. The more of each item players use, the better the rewards become. Players can earn temporary discounts in other stores, novelty items, and much more, all free while the event is running. Protector’s Figurines and Renown can be used to purchase a variety of rewards!


Throne of the Redeemed Fall upon this throne and feel divine!



New Fashion sets: Fallen, Redeemed, and Seductive


Abyssal Chicken Companion – It’s just your Cluck that this fiendish bottom feeder has decided to follow you around!


Spike Vanity Pet – You would do well to not judge this mini Barlgura by its size


Throne of the Vampire Lord - A luxurious plush throne perfect for sitting as you lord over your kingdom with a glass of blood red wine.

Throne of Celebration – This throne is conducive to celebratory thoughts of victories achieved over the first five years of Neverwinter so have a seat, relax, and revel in the sound of trumpets and colorful confetti.

Shadow Dragon Throne - One does not simply sit on a throne! Intimidate those around you while relaxing in your new throne!

Throne of the Lion - You may never be on a throne overseeing Protector’s Enclave, but you can always pretend to with this fancy item.

Throne of Boo – A throne sculpted in honor of the unsung hero of the fight against Elemental Evil. With your own golden hamster guardians at your side, you’ll be the envy of all in Neverwinter.

Throne of the Gamemaster – This throne may not give you the powers of the great wizard Portobello DaVinci, but the gargoyle sculptures may serve as inspiration as you sit and ponder great adventures.


Jubilee Unicorn  This majestic creature has been adorned with bright hues to honors the services of the heroes of Neverwinter!

Jubilee Parade Horse – Put yourself on a high horse with this decorated steed, which is trained to bear only the most noble of riders in majestic parades. Those who are privileged enough to ride this beauty will be rewarded with new, unique, and oh so fancy riding animations.

Traveling Entertainer – Every now and then you need a bit of entertainment along your travels through the Forgotten Realms.  The Traveling Entertainer is the perfect companion to lift your spirits and will also aid you in your battles with several fiery tricks.

Ceremonial Armor and Cloak - This four-piece transmutable armor set was fashioned after the anniversary banners that are hung all around Protector’s Enclave. The transmute armor and cloak items are available for each class.

Waterdhavian Fashion – Look your finest during Protector’s Jubilee with the Waterdhavian inspired fashion set that is famous for its dazzling and luxurious designs. This classy set is sought after by fashion enthusiasts along the Sword Coast to flaunt their rank amongst the other commoners that walk in the city.

Fancy Cloaks – With these fancy cloaks, you’ll be the talk of the town as you ride gallantly to Lord Neverember’s rescue. Choose between the Cloak of the Waterdhavian Open Lords, the Ceremonial Cloak of Neverember, the Cloak of the Guardian of Neverwinter, and the Lord Protector’s Ceremonial Cloak.


You can also receive the following from the Protector’s Bounty:

Volo’s Guide to Firebreathing – This item unlocks the “Firebreathing” emote

Jubilee Celebratory Feast – Set up a great feast in the Great Hall and celebrate with your guild!

Celebratory Confetti – A celebratory “popper” item that shoots confetti in all directions.  There’s also a chance for an Ancient Curio to be left behind, which can be taken to the Disheveled Madman for a reward.

Anniversary Ham – This slow cooked piece of ham increases maximum Block and Stamina for a half hour.

Elminster’s Lunchbox – A reward pack that contains random food items from events, including the Anniversary Ham.

Elminster’s Guide to Juggling – This item unlocks the “Juggle” emote.


There are all kinds of giveaways waiting for you so join Lord Neverember, Elminster, and all your fellow adventurers in Protector’s Enclave when the festivities commence to enjoy the seventh annual Protector’s Jubilee!




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