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Star Trek Online

Celebrate First Contact Day!

By Ambassador Kael | Fri 29 Mar 2019 09:00:00 AM PDT

April 5th is the anniversary of First Contact Day, when Humans and Vulcans first met on Earth!

To celebrate the anniversary of First Contact Day, the Zefram Cochrane Memorial and Historical Museum is holding a special re-enactment event from April 4th at 8am PT to April 11th at 10am PT on PC, and April 11th at 8am PT to April 18th at 10am PT on Xbox One and Playstation 4! Participants are invited to visit Bozeman, Montana—the site of Cochrane’s launch of the first Human warp-capable ship, the Phoenix—and engage in the construction of their own replica Phoenix!

Captains who participate will search the area for useful parts, just like Cochrane scavenged the pieces for the Phoenix. Using these parts in conjunction with a basic hull assembly, captains will make their own model of the Phoenix by combining engines, hull, and stabilizer parts found in various bits and pieces scattered about the re-creation of the historical settlement. Under the shadow of Zefram Cochrane’s statue, try to get the best parts possible, because the engines will make your model go faster, hull will allow it to survive longer, and stabilizers will keep it going at a better angle of launch.

Once captains have had a few minutes to collect their parts, they’ll return to their unfinished models and use leftover pieces to improve on the pieces they’ve assembled. After that, everyone will assemble at the missile silo to launch the models. Whoever’s model reaches the highest altitude will be declared the winner of that launch and the honorary student of Cochrane.

Captains of level 10 and above may participate in this event—even captains from the Klingon Defense Force, Romulan Republic, and the Dominion are welcome to join these festivities, as a celebration of diversity and the meeting of different species.

Play the event to unlock the following rewards:

When you complete the queue for the First Contact Day event, you will receive a special Zefram Cochrane Memorial Hologram Voucher (limit one per day, per character). A minimum of 4 Holograms are required in order to receive a Special Event Prize Box that includes:

  • 1x Captain Specialization Point
  • Launch Toy Rocket
  • Holo Emitter - Phoenix Shuttle
  • (NEW!) Replica Thompson Submachine Gun

Holo Emitter - Phoenix Shuttle

A special Holo-emitter for your shuttles and fighters that will make your ship look like the Phoenix. This device has an unlimited duration, unlike those provided by the Ferengi.

Launch Toy Rocket

Celebrate the historic launch of the Phoenix year round with this special device! Upon activation, it places a model of the Phoenix in front of you, which quickly launches in the sky.

Replica Thompson Submachine Gun

Archaic weaponry of this type has seen a curious resurgence via the popularity of a number of holonovels that depict ancient periods of Earth's violent history. This particular weapon has something of a cult following among avid fans of the "Dixon Hill" holonovel series which rose to prominence after the publishing of an unauthorized biography of the Starfleet career of a former captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D, Jean-Luc Picard.

Though only a replica, this item has (perhaps unwisely) been fully modified to act as a corollary to modern weaponry, and may be used effectively in modern combat scenarios. It features multiple fully automatic firing modes.

Bonus Project!

For those who find themselves with additional Holograms after receiving the Special Event Prize Box, there will be a recurring reputation project that rewards a box of 100 marks of your choice, requiring the input of a single voucher. This project will only be available while the event is active, so turn in your vouchers while you can!

We hope to see you all in Bozeman to once more celebrate one of the most defining moments in the history of the galaxy we live in!

Jeremy “BorticusCryptic” Randall
Lead Systems Designer
Star Trek Online


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