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The Coveted Dragon Orb Sale!

By DreamDefender | Tue 25 Mar 2014 06:37:44 PM PDT

You wanted it, so here it is! The coveted and rare Dragon Orb Ocean is back with it's cousins, nephews, and nieces! Now is the time to stock up on one of the game's most valuable item, and also try you luck with the Ark's Parcel for great fashion and magnificent flyers! 

Sale Start Date: Wednesday March 26th, 2014 @ 1:00 AM servertime

Sale End Date: Wednesday April 9th, 2014 @ 1:00 AM servertime

Full Sales List:

(40% off)
​Ark's Parcel 

(50% off)
Dragon Orb Ocean
Dragon Orb 1 Star
Dragon Orb 2 Star
Dragon Orb 3 Star
Dragon Orb 4 Star
Dragon Orb 5 Star


 Dragon Orb Ocean (50% off) 

Dragon Orb Ocean is a powerful item that only the most hardcore and players and merchants need consider-- This limited-time, ultra rare orb has a 100% chance to successfully increase an item's refinement level by 1, with the maximum refinement level at +10! This means that it can be used once before being consumed, and can refine an item from +2 to +3, from +7 to +8, or from +9 to +10 (remember, it can only be used for one of these)!      

 1-Star Dragon Orb
 (50% off)  

What do you do when you finally obtain that piece of gear that you've been pining for? Why, you upgrade it of course! And we've got you covered with this week's sale: 50% off 1-star Dragon Orbs !  1-Star Dragon Orbs, when used along with Mirage Celestones, will guarantee a successful refine from 0 to +1, and they can also be combined with each other to create even more powerful Dragon Orbs!    

Of course, we have more than 1-Star Dragon Orbs on sale, but you cannot forget the importance of those little beauties too! 


Dragon Orb + Refinement Info:

Dragon Orbs are a one-time-use consumable item used in the Refinement process to improve your armor and weapons. Refining normally has a chance of failure, with that chance increasing for each level of refinement that you are attempting; for example, refining an item to +3 has a higher chance of failure than refining it to +2. By using the appropriate level Dragon orb, however, you will reduce the chance of failure to 0%!

To figure out the appropriate Dragon Orb for you, check its "star level". A Dragon Orb's "star level" ranges from one to twelve, and the star level corresponds to the refinement level that it will guarantee you a 0% failure rate for.

So for example, a 4-Star Dragon Orb will allow you to take an item that is already at +3 refinement level and boost it to +4 refinement level, 100% guaranteed. A 3-Star Dragon Orb would allow you to take a +2 item and boost it to +3 guaranteed, and so on.

Refining items increases their power substantially, so you'll definitely want to look into doing it, especially at higher levels of play.

For a look at the difference in power that you can expect to see, here are some examples of refined vs. unrefined gear. Note the physical attack value at each level. Please keep in mind that, in general, higher grade gear will experience a larger bonus effect from refinement than lower grade gear.

Unrefined State

Refined to +5

Refined to +10 


 Ark's Parcel (40% off)

Similarly to many of our other packs, such as the Tiger Pack and Dragon's Luck PackArk's Parcel brings the opportunity to win great prizes including gems, charms, and rare mounts!  

Even the lowest prize, Perfect Tokens of Luck, can be redeemed at the PW Boutique Agent for tons of useful items such as Gems, Wines, Hyper EXP Stones, and Guardian Scrolls! And if great luck does happen to be on your side while opening the pack, you could end up with a rare item that can be sold for millions of coins!  As for the new rare mounts, this pack gives you the chance of getting:    

Caravan Chimera

Spellbound Dragonfly

PWI, free MMORPG, PWI flyer, flying mount

Another view!

Brush of Gaia

PWI, free MMORPG, PWI flyer, flying mount

Look again!


PWI, free MMORPG, PWI flyer, flying mount

High flying!

Deus Omega Wings

PWI, free MMORPG, PWI flyer, flying mount

Sweeping streaks!

Gossamer Wings

PWI, free MMORPG, PWI flyer, flying mount

Gleaming glory!

And don't miss out on these fabulous new fashion sets!

Brigadier Fashion Set

PWI, free MMORPG, PWI fashion, MMORPG fashion


Cherry Blossom Fashion Set

PWI, free MMORPG, PWI fashion, MMORPG fashion



This sale will start Wednesday March 26th until Wednesday April 9th.  

The exception to this is the Ark's Parcel, which will be on sale in the boutique until Wednesday Aptril 9th, then removed from the PW Boutique.


pwi-news, dragon-orb, pw-boutique,

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