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Free MMORPG - Perfect World International - It's PWI's 3 Year Anniversary!

By frankieraye | Thu 01 Sep 2011 04:33:59 PM PDT


Oh man, here we are again - another year, another PWI Anniversary!



Yes, it feels like only yesterday when we opened up Heavens Tear and Lost City servers and had the very first GM Meet and Greet event starring Ironman and Xarfox. Much has changed in all this time - we've gotten Genies and two new races, four new classes, countless new skills, new instances, several website redesigns, and an exponential growth curve of player popularity. Suffice it to say, PWI has never been more popular than it is right now, and much more is on the way!


To celebrate this year's anniversary, we're going big, with plenty of events, prizes, and general mayhem.


Let's start off with our...


PWI Anniversary Giveaway!



From Friday September 2nd until Sunday September 4th, every player who logs in to PWI will be entered into a raffle to win prize packs (valued at $250) including the limited-edition Barbarian Tiger Statue and an extra-fancy Logitech Gaming Keyboard, and a 10 dollar game card or 1,000 ZEN! Two winners will be selected, so be sure to log in during that time period!


You can see the full Giveaway rules here:




Veteran Anniversary Rewards


*When claiming your rewards, please note that there is a delay depending on server load!*

*Each account can only receive one set of items!*

*Your items may take up to 24 hours to arrive!*


As we did last year, we are sending out rewards to the vast majority of PWI players. These rewards vary in quality, and are based on how long you've been registered for:


1 Month+ (registered before July 30th, 2011): 5 Hyper EXP Stones


1 Years+ (registered before September 30th of 2010): Anniversary Mount


2 Years+ (registered before September 30th of 2009): Anniversary Fashion


3 Years+ (registered before September 30th of 2008): Purple Fox Mount!


For more information on these rewards, please see the Anniversary Page!



Anniversary Events


So not only will we be sending out prizes, we also have a lot of events in store for you!


- 2x EXP/Drops/Spirit for 24 days starting Friday! 


Get the most out of your grind, and for an extra-long period of time.



- Quiz Event: September 2nd til September 4th -- 6pm Server


Test your PWI Knowledge with this fun and rewarding event!



- Elder's Blessing - September 1st til November 2nd (event had to be shortened from original length*)


Any new character created within this time period will be able to get extremely powerful beginner gear in return for staying online for a certain length of time!



- 3x Achievement Points Event - Throughout September


All Achievements are worth three times as many points as normal, just in time to purchase the newest Token Shop additions - Warlord and Thunder fashions!



- Assault on Archosaur - Friday September 2nd at 5pm Server!


The enemy approaches, protect the gates... one more time!



New Features for this Anniversary


So far we've announced the prizes and the events.. so what else is there? How about some new content?


Ring Engraving


Think your ring needs some extra stats? Head on over to any Jewelcraftsman - there you'll be able to trade certain materials for a random stat to be applied to your ring. These materials include stones, Spectral Polish, and Uncanny Ores. Engraving higher-level rings requires higher-level mats.



New Phoenix Nest Wedding Chapel 


And just one more way to say those three little words.. "I need contribution". The Phoenix Nest is a new, classically Chinese wedding instance meant to rival the current PWI Chapel. Head on over here if you prefer a more Eastern theme. Also, please note - only players who have never gotten married in the PWI Chapel can actually use the Phoenix Nest.






And finally, allow to to just say thank you for continuing to play and spread the word about PWI. For our game, word of mouth is absolutely crucial to its success, so it makes us really happy that our players like it so much that they continue to speak well of it and bring their friends to share their experience. We will continue supporting the game whole-heartedly with great new features, bug fixes, and events, and we hope you'll come along with us for the rollercoaster ride that is PWI. 


Thanks for playing, and we'll see you in-game!


Comprehensive rules and regulations for this giveaway can be found HERE.



Free MMORPG - Perfect World International (PWI)


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