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Champions Online

Champions Online: Introducing Kaiserin

By Jayson | Wed 25 Nov 2015 10:17:02 AM PST


Greetings Champions!

In our State of the Game last month, we introduced Kaiserin, a new member of the Champions Online team and veteran member of the community. Today we want to get a bit more aquainted with the superfan who joined our team. Meet Julia, aka Kaiserin!


For those who don’t know you, can you introduce yourself and what your responsibilities are for Champions Online?

My name is Julia, but pretty much everyone just calls me Kaiserin. I do a little bit of everything in champs, but I'm currently doing a bunch of work on the tailor.

You have had an interesting journey from being a player of Champions Online to now working on Champion Online. Can you tell us a little more about that?

When I get into a game I pick it apart and learn everything there is to know about it. Because of this I had pretty extensive knowledge of how some aspects of the game worked, and helped the developers with various bugs and issues. 

I had submitted a job application a couple times over the years, and one day I got a phone call from Cryptic asking if I'd be interested in a position on Champs.

What does it feel like to be on the development side?

Engaging! It's been a lot of fun learning how to use all the different tools to edit the game with. The team is exciting to work with, and I love seeing players react to the changes I've made.



How long have you been playing Champions Online? What was your first experience?

I've been around since late beta. First memorable moment I had was when I met a group of people trying to take down Teleiosaurus. We started a daily hunting party, talked about builds, had a lot of fun and still chat with each other to this day. 

With Supervillain Onslaught recently released, who is your favorite baddie to play and why?

Grond.  Something about smashing things is very satisfying. 

We heard you’re a big fan of Champions Online’s character customization. What are the craziness, or most interesting, concoctions you have built from a character standpoint?

I'm rather fond of my character Catoastrophe. 


It's a cat, with a toaster head. Yup.

Now that you’re on the development side, how is the team taking player feedback to provide updates to Champions Online?

I've asked that players make forum posts for issues and requests regarding a specific part of the game. For example there are now player run threads for tailor requests, tailor bugs, power bugs, and a few others. It's a lot easier to get feedback from a focused discussion.

What have your fellow player’s reactions been to you joining Cryptic?

Very positive! I've been getting a lot of congratulation tells since I've joined.

You haven’t been at Cryptic long, but what has been one of your standout memories since joining the team?

Working with the team to make the hoverboard travel powers customizable in the tailor. There were many laughs and tears throughout that journey. 

What is your main character's name and where did that character name come from?

My main is named Kaiserin. Back in 1999 a friend of mine asked me to play a villain in a Digimon forum RPG. At the time my favorite Digimon villain was the Digimon Kaiser, so I decided to make a character called Kaiserin (Kaiser is the German word for emperor, Kaiserin is the feminine form). While the character is no longer tied in with Digimon, the name stuck with me over the years.


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