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Tales of Old: The Frozen Heart

Von Julia (nitocris83) | Di 07 Mai 2019 07:00:00 PDT

Nipsy is back with more Tales of Old! This time, you can forge your own story when you and your party delve into the frost giants’ lair in The Frozen Heart!

The Frozen Heart begins Thursday, May 9 at 10am PT

The Frozen Heart ends Thursday, May 23 at 7:30am PT

When a new Tales of Old event begins, players (level 15+) will be able to talk to Nipsy, the traveling Tabaxi, near the event dais in Protectors Enclave. Listen to Nipsy’s tale and enter the dungeon if you choose to accept the challenge! For additional details on how this event works, please visit the Tales of Old overview blog.


Successfully completing a dungeon awards Coins of Tales Told currency. Players can use this currency to obtain the Frozen Storyteller’s Journal and Tales of Frozen Heart.

Open treasure chests throughout the dungeon to obtain Trinkets of Old. This currency can be used to purchase the Chest of Tales Told which can contain:

  • Hrimnir (vanity pet – Obtained during Frozen Heart only)
  • Woven Tales Enchantment (Rank 8 or 9)
  • Blood Ruby
  • Companion Upgrade Token
  • 10,000 to 20,000 Rough AD
  • Minstrel’s Fancy Shirt, Pants, or Hat

Please note that Coins of Tales Told and Trinkets of Old will disappear once the event is over.

An additional currency, Fabled Chapters, is earned by reaching the minimum contribution level for the event and is used to purchase season rewards. Fabled Chapters can be used to obtain:

  • Scarf of Embellishments Artifact Equipment
  • Sash of Embellishments Artifact Equipment
  • Box of Astral Diamonds (contains 3000 rough AD)

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