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Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online: Assault on Terok Nor

Von LaughingTrendy | Mi 23 Sep 2015 08:00:00 PDT

We don’t have a lot of time, so I’ll keep this brief. I am Commander Shastri and I will be leading this operation.

By now you’ve seen some of the firepower we’re up against. Admiral Leeta has stated her intent to take the sector. We’re not going to let her have it.

Deep Space Nine and the defense fleet have given us a window of opportunity. Your boarding party will join our other teams on the station. You will help to secure the area, take out whatever technology they are using to bring the whole station across, and reverse it.

We have been getting some strange power readings from Terok Nor, but we don’t have a clear picture of the situation as of yet. Be ready for anything, but focus on the task at hand. Our job is to stop whatever technology their might be using, and send them back to their own universe.

Get ready. We beam down in five.

Assault on Terok Nor is a new 5-person Cross-faction ground queue. It is designed for players levels 50 and up on Normal, and level 60 on Advanced and Elite.

Kate “Shelana” Bankson
Content Designer
Star Trek Online

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