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Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online: Cardassian Revamp Episode 1

Von LaughingTrendy | Mi 16 Sep 2015 08:00:00 PDT

We have received intelligence that the True Way has stolen an Orb of the Prophets from the Cardassian Union. The True Way is a group of Cardassian nationalists who refused to accept the treaty that ended the Dominion war. When Cardassia was occupied by Alliance forces as part of the terms of that treaty, resentment against the Federation and the Klingon Empire grew, and the True Way’s influence has continued to grow ever since.

The Cardassian Union, in exchange for our help in recovering the Orb has agreed to allow its return to Bajor, where it belongs. Commander Sarish Minna of Deep Space 9 is requesting your help in recovering the Orb in the new episode, “Spoils of War”.

 “Spoils of War” will be the first episode in our updated Cardassian Struggle Arc. Over the next few weeks we will be unveiling each of these four new episodes. They will be replacing the existing Cardassian Struggle episodes from “Badlands” through “Cage of Fire”. The remainder of the arc, beginning with “Second Wave”, will remain unchanged.

The updated missions will be available to all players level 35 and up with the launch of Season 11.

You can easily access these missions by accessing your Mission Journal (default key ‘J’), selecting the “Cardassian Struggle” episodes tab, and choosing to ‘Hail’ your contact for the mission. This way you can experience all of the new content! Be sure to try them out!

See you in-game for the release of Season 11!

Jaddua Ross
Content Designer
Star Trek Online

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