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Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online: Counterpoint

Von LaughingTrendy | Di 01 Sep 2015 08:00:00 PDT

Begin personal Log, Admiral Leeta of the Terran Empire warship Fortuna.

The Empire has won the grand battle and the galaxy is ours. The future reached back as we in the present stretched forth our hands to receive the instruments of our dominance. We slew the demons. Crowned in victory, we wield weapons ahead of their time and stand upon the corpse of the Iconian Conclave. All others bow before the might of the Terran Empire. Now it is time for the Empire to extend its reach beyond the veil.

I shall be the one to seize the glory. I shall be the one to seize the power. I will take my stronghold across and lay waste to those who oppose me. I have spilled the blood and the text has been revealed to me. Doubt has been burned away. The way is clear and I am worthy.

Their universe is within my grasp and I will take it.

End recording.

Counterpoint will be our new 5-person cross-faction space queue. It is designed for level 60 players with normal, advanced and elite versions.

Kate “Shelana” Bankson
Content Designer
Star Trek Online

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