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Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online: Captain Nog Reporting for Duty!

Von LaughingTrendy | Fr 22 Mai 2015 06:00:00 PDT

Captain Nog reports for duty!

Star Trek Online is pleased to announce that Star Trek: Deep Space Nine star Aron Eisenberg will be joining the cast of Star Trek Online to reprise his role as Nog.

In his time on Deep Space Nine, Nog changed from a troubled youth to be the first Ferengi to enter Starfleet Academy. Later, his time in the Dominion War scarred him both physically and emotionally, as he experienced first-hand the horrors of combat.

Since the end of the Dominion War, Nog has stayed in Starfleet and worked his way up the ranks. He served time on several exploration missions, returned to DS9 for a tour as chief engineer, and then moved to Utopia Planitia to work with the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. Now he commands the SCE ship U.S.S. Chimera. And like all Starfleet captains in this troubled time, Nog is stepping up to do what he can to help defend the galaxy from the Iconians.

Captain Nog will be joining you to face off against the Iconians and their Heralds soon. Until then, you can download a short conversation with Aron here.

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