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Star Trek Online

Fleet Donation Changes!

Von Ambassador Kael | Di 31 Jan 2023 09:00:00 PST

Captains, you may have noticed some new additions to your Fleet Donations on PC! These changes are coming to Console as well, very soon, but we wanted to update you on what you can now expect on PC:

  • You may now use the new Duty Officer contribution system with other fleet holdings, beyond just the starbase.
  • Several contribution types that accept civilians will now accept prisoners and refugees.
  • You may donate Duty Officers directly to coffers. Each holding now has coffers associated with Engineering, Science, and Tactical Duty Officers. Contributing Duty Officers to those coffers, or contributing excess Duty Officers to a project, provides coffer points that you can then pull out and donate to other projects with that holding.
  • Various small fixes to issues around donating dilithium.

We hope you enjoy, Captains!


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