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Star Trek Online

Section 31 Key Sale!

Von Ambassador Kael | Sa 29 Okt 2022 10:00:00 PDT

Rule of Acquisition # 74: Knowledge equals profit.

Any wise Captain knows that when a sale this good comes your way, it’s best to take advantage of it. We’re pleased to announce - krrshhhh - Rerouting. Sir, we've tapped into the main feed. You're on with them now.

Excellent, thank you ensign. Captains, I was informed of this 48 hour Key Sale that was about to be announced. Because of the time of year, and a certain whimsy I have about a particular set of numbers, I have hacked the Key Sale, and put my own, shall we say, spin on it. After all, for the greater good of the Federation, the ends always justify the means.

For the next 24 hours, you will find Keys and the Keyring Bundle on sale in all platforms for 31% off. To be clear, that means this sale will run from October 29th at 10am PT to October 30th at 10am PT, by your local reckoning. Please keep in mind that in return, I may call in a favor at a time and place of my choosing. Enjoy the holiday - dressing up in disguise is one of my favorite activities. Signing off, now.

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