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Star Trek Online

The Galaxy Goes to Red Alert!

Von Ambassador Kael | Fr 15 Jul 2022 09:00:00 PDT

The entire Galaxy is going to Red Alert! We’re launching a one week version of the Galactic Red Alert! From July 21st at 8am PT (17:00 CEST) – July 28th at 10am PT (19:00 CEST) all of our Red Alert events will be returning at once, as the Final Frontier is caught in a massive invasion on all sides. During this event, you’ll be able to play the following content:

  • Borg Red Alert
  • Elachi Red Alert
  • Tholian Red Alert
  • Tzenkethi Red Alert*
  • Nakuhl Red Alert


*Please note: As the only Red Alert with a fail condition, the Tzenkethi Red Alert will not grant daily bonus progress if you fail the TFO. The fail condition will likely be removed in future runs of this event.

In addition to their usual rewards, these Task Force Operations will also grant daily bonus progress. You’ll receive one Daily Progress each day for completing one Red Alert – doesn’t matter which one – on any character on your account. After you receive five daily progress, you’ll be rewarded with a package containing the following, once per account:

  • An Ultimate Tech Upgrade
  • A Specialization Point


You can also purchase this Grand Prize on the events page, if you’d prefer. The price will be prorated as you earn Daily Progress, becoming cheaper the more you play.

If you earn, or purchase, the event’s Grand Prize, you can still complete Red Alerts to earn Bonus Progress. Completing a Red Alert TFO each day will grant a bonus amount of Dilithium Ore, beginning at 8,000 and increasing by 1,000 for each completion thereafter.

Red Alert Task Force Operations are available to Captains of level 50 or higher. Head out and defend the Galaxy, Captains! Go to Red Alert!


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