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Star Trek Online

A Brand New Shi'Kahr!

Von Ambassador Kael | Mi 29 Jun 2022 09:00:00 PDT

We are pleased to announce that with the Summer Event we will be updating the ShiKahr variant of the Light Cruiser family to a completely redesigned and rebuilt model. This new version of the ShiKahr has been reimagined as a mid-24th century starship, conceived as a light cruiser contemporary to the Cheyenne, Galaxy, and Nebula classes. This model was designed and built by Eric Henry, starshipwright extraordinaire.

The new ShiKahr will totally replace the old model, which we are phasing out as it no longer fits in with the style or quality of STO’s current generation of starships. We feel it’s important that as new players start in their Miranda, we are proud of all the visual options available to them.


As a bonus, we’ve also added a new variant of the Miranda’s nacelles, called “Miranda Gamma,” which includes bussard collectors that are lit red. These are inspired by the U.S.S. MacDuff seen in the Star Trek: Lower Decks episode “Strange Energies.”

To make sure you have all the details of the new version of the ShiKahr once it goes live, ready your Light Cruiser, visit the ship customization interface and apply the “ShiKahr” template.

We hope you enjoy this remaster and can’t wait for you to see what else we have in dry dock.

Until then, see you out there, thattaway!


Thomas Marrone

Associate Art Director

Star Trek Online



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