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Star Trek Online

PC Patch Notes for 1/30/20

Von Ambassador Kael | Mi 29 Jan 2020 17:05:30 PST


  • "Battle at the Binary Stars" (Normal, Advanced, and Elite) have been added to the available TFO lists, rewarding either Fleet Marks or Discovery Marks upon completion.
    • Normal and Advanced versions of this TFO are also now eligible for Random matching.
  • "Mycelial Realm" (Normal) has been added to the available TFO lists, rewarding either Fleet Marks or Discovery Marks upon completion.
    • This TFO is also now eligible for Random matching.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent some players from purchasing the Picard Bundle.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing Dual weapons to not properly display their effects.
  • Resolved an issue where various smoke and stun effects were not properly displaying on low settings.
  • Resolved an issue that caused an improper stance when crouching or aiming while using the B.A.T.D. Extractor weapon.



  • Updated the Debuff icons that are produced from the Universal Kit Module - Resistance is Futile.
  • Updated the Debuff icons that are produced from the Kit Module – Delphic Puddle.



  • Updated several areas during the episode, “Measure of Morality”, where voice and audio effects were missing.
  • Resolved an issue during the episode, “Measure of Morality”, where the in game text was not correctly matching the audio.
  • Resolved an issue during the episode. “Measure of Morality”, that could cause progression to be blocked when using Weaponized Dark Matter, when facing against Noye.



  • Resolved an issue with the Galaxy Dreadnought and Galaxy where the new windows were not available for Captains.
  • Intrepid may now use Sovereign, Defiant, NX and NX Refit materials properly.
  • Galaxy Dreadnought can now use Intrepid, Defiant, NX and NX Refit hull materials



  • Resolved an issue that was causing the Anniversary X Emotes to be character bound.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing the 8th anniversary emotes to not have icons within the reward pack.

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