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Star Trek Online

Claim the Uniform of Star Trek: Picard!

Von Ambassador Kael | Do 23 Jan 2020 10:00:00 PST

It’s almost time for our 10th Anniversary Celebration to begin, and today is a very special day in the Star Trek fandom. Today, Captain Jean Luc Picard returns to the screen, after eighteen long years away. We want to celebrate this moment with you, Captains, which is why we’re releasing the uniform of 2399 – the year Star Trek: Picard is set in – to you, for free, right now. Just log into the game to claim your prize. This will be available for a limited time, and we’ll let you know in advance when it’s going away. The uniform also comes from a brand new Combadge for 2399 Starfleet officers. Outfit your Captains and your bridge officers, and take to the stars in honor of this brand new era of Star Trek.

This is only the first of our tenth anniversary giveaways – stay tuned for more to come.


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