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Star Trek Online

New Ways to Play Patrols!

Von Ambassador Kael | Di 27 Aug 2019 09:30:00 PDT

As part of our upcoming Season 18 release, we’re making it quicker and easier to play our new patrols. Alongside the launcher for TFOs is a new launcher specifically for patrols, where you can find a list of the new bite-sized content. Simply click on the PVE Operations button, select the Patrols panel, and you can see a list of the new patrols and launch to any one that you want to play. No need to fly around sector space hunting for the right place—the new interface will take you there immediately. You can launch into a patrol by yourself with no delay, or team up with friends and go as a group. Once you finish, you’ll return to wherever you left off.

You’ll notice that these patrols appear in the mission journal as well, as part of the “J’Ula’s Discovery” mission group. This means that you’ll be guided through the patrols, and the first time that you play each one as part of the mission progression you’ll gain a small amount of extra skill points at the end of the patrol.

Patrols will give you skill points, dilithium ore, and a small number of Marks of your choice upon completion. In addition, patrols are set up to give extra skill points for defeating enemies—including points earned toward starship mastery!

Moving forward, we hope to add even more patrols to this system, so that you can always find a quick mission to play if you just have a few minutes to spend. As new patrols come on-line you’ll see them appear in this menu, and a few old favorites may join the listings, too!

Jesse Heinig
Senior Game Designer
Star Trek Online

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