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Star Trek Online

We're Bringing STO's Tribbles to Life!

Von Ambassador Kael | Mo 15 Jul 2019 13:26:33 PDT

We’re teaming up with the fine folks at Tribble Toys, and you can win an STO Tribble of your very own! These makers of fine Tribbles for companionship are making an STO set of Tribbles, including the Triolic Tribble, the Gamma Quadrant Tribble, the Radan Tribble, and the Winter Tribble. You’ll be able to take these adorable pets home with you starting right now, as long as you can follow these very simple rules:

  1. Do not leave them alone with food.
  2. Do not leave them ever. At all.
  3. Be considerate, and let any visiting Klingons know there are Tribbles in your home before they get there.


When you purchase a large size version of these adorable, prolific creatures, you’ll also receive a code for an in-game Black Alert tribble on PC. (It'll be on the tag of the actual Tribble when it arrives.) Petting this furry guy will get you 2% extra run speed, and 3% extra manimum health. And that’s not all! We’re adding a new food item, the Sauteed Shitaake, to the Lobi Store for 1 Lobi. If you feed it to the Black Alert Tribble, it’ll create a new Mycelium Tribble! These tribbles give you 3% extra run speed, 5% extra maximum health, and 100% extra movement speed for a brief time after you activate it.

To celebrate this launch, we’re doing a giveaway from July 15th to July 21st, where you can win a large version of one of these Tribbles to take home, but that’s not all! In addition, all eight winners will receive an in-game Black Alert Tribble and an Age of Discovery Starter Pack on PC! (Sadly, this contest is only available for players in the United States.)

Enter via the form below, and may all your Tribbles be safe and purring ones.

Tribble Toys Giveaway

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