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Star Trek Online

PC Patch Notes for 1/25/19

Von Ambassador Kael | Do 24 Jan 2019 20:47:22 PST


  • Personal Endeavors:

    • Resolved an issue where the Perk window did not update immediately.

    • Personal Endeavors which track defeating Terran Empire on ground or space now include the Discovery-era enemies of those types. 

    • Resolved an issue with the listed requirement for TFO completions in medium difficulty which were incorrectly stating you need 0/1 when it should have been 0/3.

  • Anniversary:

    • Party Patrol is now available to play.

    • Resolved an issue where the Hold Torch emote was not unlocking for the account.

    • All new Anniversary Emotes are now listed on the emote reward pack list.

  • The Mirror of Discovery Arc is now available to play for all factions at any level past the tutorial.

    • Romulan and Jem’Hadar captains will need to have chosen a faction as well.

    • 23rd Century captains must be in the 2410 era to play these episodes.

  • Resolved an issue where the Terran Empire Uniform could not be bought by Federation Aligned Jem’Hadar and Romulan.

Known Issues:

  • When a player initially logs in each day the Personal Endeavor UI displays missions as completed until the player moves to another map.

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