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Star Trek Online

The Tzenkethi Go to War!

Von Ambassador Kael | Mi 26 Dez 2018 10:00:00 PST

The Tzenkethi are not known for making idle threats. They promised that they would return with better weapons, and return, they did. The Tzenkethi Red Alert is a space-based 5v5 Red Alert-style queue in the Alpha Quadrant. The Tzenkethi have found a new way to Protomatter-bomb planets and it’s up to you to stop them.

The genocidal Tzenkethi will be unleashing a new super weapon at unsuspecting planets while you and 4 allies will have to do everything you can to prevent the catastrophic destruction. If you don’t work together, the deaths of billions will be on your hands.

The event is for level 50-60 players of all factions. Like all Red Alerts, this TFO rewards 35 marks, and has no cooldown. It will be available from December 27th at 8am PT to December 31st at 10am PT.

Good luck, Captains! It’s all up to you.


Ryon “Melange” Levitt
Staff Content Designer
Cryptic Studios

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