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Star Trek Online

Introducing: The Swarm!

Von Ambassador Kael | Di 08 Mai 2018 09:00:00 PDT

This is Ambassador Odo. The Hur'q are about to devour this planet, and we don't have enough time to get everyone to safety. The Dominion ships have been incapacitated by the Hur'q swarm. Help us secure the civilians before the main Hur’q forces arrive!

The ever-ravenous Hur’q swarm are attacking Dominion planets. Help the Jem’Hadar ships keep the swarm at bay while the planet organizes an evacuation plan. To increase the number of citizens we can save, we’ve decided to use multiple planetary escape routes. Keep the routes clear of the Hur’q or they’ll devour the transport ships!

Swarm is our first five player cooperative space queue available in the “Victory is Life” expansion. Participating in it will earn you a choice of Fleet, or Gamma marks. The queue is available to captains over level 50. Good luck, and good hunting.


Tiffany “Wubblez” Chu

Content Designer

Star Trek Online



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