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Star Trek Online

Season 7 Dev Blog #27

Von PWE_BranFlakes | Mi 05 Dez 2012 12:00:45 PST

Breen Chel Grett Warship

Star Trek Online STO MMORPG F2P Sc-Fi MMO game

Details on how you can earn this ship FREE can be found here.

In 2375, the Breen first entered the Dominion War at the Second Battle of Chin'toka. It was in this terrible battle that Breen's power and ruthlessness was first observed. The Second Battle of Chin'toka was the worst defeat for the Federation Alliance and over 99 percent of allied ships were lost, including the U.S.S. Defiant.

This battle was the first time the Alliance had faced the Breen Energy Dissipator -- also known as an Energy Dampening weapon. This single piece of technology almost allowed the Dominion forces to win the war and the Alpha Quadrant. But even without the Energy Dissipator, the Breen Chel Grett is a formidable Warship, and it is extremely maneuverable for its size.

Star Trek Online STO MMORPG F2P Sc-Fi MMO game
Energy Dissipating Blast

The Breen Chel Grett Warship comes with an Energy Dissipator console which fires a targetable Energy Dissipating Blast that causes significant subsystem drain and has a chance to knock a single subsystem offline for a short duration. The Energy Dissipator can be equipped in any console slot on any Breen ship.

  • Rank Required: Rear Admiral / Brigadier General
  • Hull Strength: 36,000
  • Shield Modifier: 1
  • Crew: 650
  • Weapons: 4 Fore, 4 Aft
  • Device Slots: 3
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Tactical, 1 Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Commander Science, 1 Ensign Universal
  • Console Modifications: 4 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 3 Science
  • Base Turn Rate: 13 degrees per second
  • Impulse Modifier: 0.18
  • +10 Power to Weapons; +5 Power to Engines
  • Can Load Cannons
  • Breen Energy Dissipator Universal Console

NOTE: The above stats are subject to change. The box that the ship comes in, which cannot be opened until the minimum rank listed above, is bound upon pickup.


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