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Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online: Temporal Defense Reputation

Von LaughingTrendy | Mi 15 Jun 2016 09:30:00 PDT

The Temporal Defense Initiative will be established in 2769 when most of the significant galactic powers sign the Temporal Accords. Comprised of Temporal Operatives from all signatories across multiple historical periods, the TDI defends the timeline against attempts to alter our common history.

This new reputation will be available with Agents of Yesterday’s release and will feature all new traits, kit modules, space equipment sets and a ground equipment set.


Submitting Temporal Marks will increase your standing with the Temporal Defense Initiative. These can be earned by participating in the Days of Doom and The Battle of Procyon V queues, as well as the Badlands Battlezone. Each source of marks allows for scaling rewards, increasing the number of Temporal Marks received by performing above expectations or completing bonus objectives.

Chroniton Buffers can be earned by participating in the Advanced and Elite versions of queues which reward Temporal Marks, as well as completing significant events within the Badlands Battlezone. Chroniton Buffers are used by a number of time-traveling cultures in the galaxy. They shield their users from unstable Chroniton emissions and fluctuations, both in and out of the time-stream. High-end gear projects will require a small number of Chroniton Buffers to claim the best equipment the Temporal Defense Initiative has to offer. The Temporal Defense Initiative will also exchange Chroniton Buffers for Dilithium Ore.


Temporal Marks and Chroniton Buffers can be submitted for Reputation XP and new, high-quality gear acquisitions. Here are a few examples of the items which can be earned by advancing your standing with the Temporal Defense Initiative:

Temporal Defense Initiative Starship Technologies (Space Set – 4 Pieces)

  • Temporal Defense Initiative Deflector Dish Mk XII
    • Temporal Defense Initiative Deflector Arrays are designed to allow ships to outlast any situation. They increase the Hull and Shield Restoration capabilities of ships, increase Control Expertise, and enhance a ship’s Particle Generators. This item can be placed in the Deflector Visual Override equipment slot.
  • Temporal Defense Initiative Combat Impulse Engines Mk XII
    • Built to function with a minimal drain on system power, the Temporal Defense Initiative Combat Impulse Engines are highly maneuverable, and automatically divert a small amount of power to weapons systems. These engines also have a secondary filtering system, allowing for the removal of hazards on activation of Hull Healing abilities. This item can be equipped in the Impulse Engines Visual Override equipment slot.
  • Temporal Defense Initiative Regenerative Shield Array Mk XII
    • Temporal Defense Initiative Regenerative Shield Arrays are designed to withstand protracted battles against foes. This shield array is highly resistant to shield draining effects and energy damage. Additionally, the built-in shield emitter matrix dynamically regenerates itself in response to threats, increasing its passive shield regeneration rates as the shields sustain more damage. This item can be placed in the Shields Visual Override equipment slot.
  • Temporal Defense Initiative Overcharged Warp Core Mk XII
    • Matter / Antimatter Core: Temporal Defense Initiative Warp Cores are designed to overcharge auxiliary power levels, increasing a ship’s maximum Auxiliary power. The warp core also shunts a portion of its Auxiliary subsystem power into weapons, increasing the energy weapons output of ships. This warp core is authorized to use a higher warp factor when in sector space, as Temporal Operatives are required to rapidly travel to different locations and points in time.
    • Singularity Core: Temporal Defense Initiative Overcharged Singularity Cores are designed to overcharge auxiliary power levels, increasing a ship’s maximum Auxiliary power. The singularity core’s charge mechanisms are intentionally overclocked to allow for rapid deployment of Singularity Powers. This core is authorized to use a higher warp factor when in sector space, as Temporal Operatives are required to rapidly travel to different locations and points in time.

Below are the set bonuses for this new space equipment set:

Temporal Defense Initiative Starship Technologies Set Bonuses (Space)

  • Predictive Decay Algorithms (2 piece) – Passive
    • Increase strength of Damage over Time effects
  • Timeline Expertise (3 piece) – Enhancement
    • Using Engineering Team, Science Team, or Tactical Team gives you Control and Drain Expertise for 10 sec
  • Temporal Fracture (4 piece) – Click
    • Hold and deal physical damage over to up to 4 targets within a 2km radius

Temporal Defense Initiative Armaments (Weapon Set – 3 Pieces)

  • Console – Universal – Chroniton Drive Actuator Mk XII
    • Chroniton Drive Actuators harness residual Chronitons found around temporal incursions to enhance a ship’s power levels. Additionally, the console increases a ship’s maximum shield capacity and control expertise, to better defend against said hostile incursions.
  • Advanced Temporal Defense Chroniton Torpedo Launcher Mk XII
    • Advanced Temporal Defense Chroniton Torpedos are designed to leave a matrix of Chroniton particles on the firing ship, which can increase the user’s flight speed, turn rate, shield hardness, and shaves precious time off the recharge rate of bridge officer abilities. This weapon’s High Yield mode fires a cluster torpedo at the target, which deploys into a series of Chroniton Mines on arriving at its destination.
  • Advanced Temporal Defense Chroniton Weapon Mk XII
    • Beam Array: Advanced Temporal Defense Chroniton Beam Arrays are designed to leave a matrix of Chroniton particles on the firing ship, which can increase the user’s flight speed, turn rate, shield hardness, and shaves precious time off the recharge rate of bridge officer abilities.
    • Dual Heavy Cannons: Advanced Temporal Defense Chroniton Dual heavy Cannons are designed to leave a matrix of Chroniton particles on the firing ship, which can increase the user’s flight speed, turn rate, shield hardness, and shaves precious time off the recharge rate of bridge officer abilities.

Below are the set bonuses for this new space equipment set:

Temporal Defense Initiative Armaments Set Bonuses (Space)

  • Frequency Tuning (2 piece) – Passive
    • Increased Energy Weapon damage
    • Increased Critical Severity
  • Temporal Threading (3 piece) – Click Enhancement
    • Your weapons gain Armor Penetration and Shield Penetration for 15 sec

Temporal Defense Initiative Operative (Ground Set – 3 Pieces)

  • Temporal Defense Initiative Adaptable Combat Armor Mk XII
    • Temporal Defense Initiative Adaptable Combat armor is designed to protect against most forms of assault. Offering substantial energy, physical, and environmental resistance, this combat armor also has a series of automated filters designed to increase the wearer’s tolerance to pain and injury.
  • Temporal Defense Initiative Personal Shield Mk XII
    • The Temporal Defense Initiative Personal Shield is issued to operatives assigned to highly hazardous missions. This personal shield is highly automated, with defensive subroutines designed to knock attackers away and temporarily overload the output of the wearer’s energy-based weapons.
  • Advanced Temporal Defense Chroniton Dual Pistols Mk XII
    • Advanced Temporal Defense Chroniton Dual Pistols are considered the pinnacle of miniaturization. Capable of firing faster and further than standard pistols, these paired pistols quickly build a Chroniton Charge when fired. This charge reaches a critical mass at 7 stacks, overloading the weapon’s Dual Compression Bolt secondary fire into Hyper-Compression Bolts, and allowing for a Dual Energy Blast tertiary weapon fire.

Below are the set bonuses for this new ground equipment set:

Temporal Defense Initiative Operative Set Bonuses (Ground)

  • Chroniton Acclimation (2 piece) – Passive
    • Increased Antiproton damage
    • Increased Antiproton damage resistance rating
  • Temporal Stasis (3 piece) – Click
    • Hold and deals physical damage over time to up to 4 targets within a 9m radius

Advancing through the tiers of the Temporal Defense Initiative Reputation will also unlock access to a large variety of Temporal Defense Chroniton energy weapons, Temporal Defense Chroniton Torpedo launchers, and 3 new Kit Modules.

Kit Modules

  • Engineering – Mechanic Kit Module – Bio-Harmonic Emitter Mk XII
    • Bio-Harmonic Emitter deploys a Bio-Harmonic layer around your team. This layer provides additional protection against incoming attacks while healing affected targets.
  • Science – Research Kit Module – Anti-Time Entanglement Field Mk XII
    • Anti-Time Entanglement Field creates a localized Anti-Time distortion around the target, damaging and slowing enemies within its radius. The field rapidly shrinks in size until it completely dissipates.
  • Tactical – Assault Kit Module – Chroniton Micro-Torpedo Spread Mk XII
    • Launch a spread of Chroniton Micro-Torpedos. The torpedos home in on your target and up to six additional foes within a cone. Micro Chroniton Torpedos deal Kinetic damage, slow, and knock back their targets.


The Temporal Defense Initiative introduces the following new traits:

Tier 1 – Ground

  • Temporal Flux Conditioning (Passive)
    • Damage over Time Resistance Rating
  • Miniaturized Chrono-Capacitor (Passive)
    • Reduce Recharge Time for Kit Module abilities

Tier 2 – Space

  • Temporal Flux Dissipators (Passive)
    • Damage over Time Resistance Rating
  • Chrono-Capacitor Array (Passive)
    • Reduce Recharge Time for Bridge Officer abilities

Tier 3 – Ground

  • Combat Awareness (Passive)
    • Deal additional damage against Controlled targets
  • Reprisal (Passive)
    • Gain a Crit Severity buff when affected by Control effects

Tier 4 – Space

  • Controlled Countermeasures (Passive)
    • Deal additional damage against Controlled targets
  • Counter-Stroke (Passive)
    • Gain a Crit Severity buff when affected by Control effects

Tier 5 – Space

  • Anti-Time Entanglement Singularity (Click)
    • Anti-Time Entanglement Singularity creates an Anti-Time anomaly in the target’s immediate vicinity. The singularity causes severe Physical damage to foes caught within while slowing and potentially locking them in place as normal space-time violently interacts with the anomaly. This singularity rapidly shrinks in size until it fully dissipates.

This brand-new reputation will be available with the launch of Agents of Yesterday, and will be available for testing on Tribble soon. We look forward to seeing players make the most out of these reputation rewards. See you in-game!

NOTE: All abilities and items found within this blog are subject to change.

Jon “CrypticRock” Steady
Systems Designer
Star Trek Online

The life of a Temporal Agent will take you across time and space to strange frontiers and deadly battlegrounds with the Temporal Agent Pack.

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