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Star Trek Online

Spotlight on the Foundry

Von DwightMC | Fr 14 Feb 2014 16:00:00 PST

Star Trek Online Season 8 STO MMORPG F2P Sci-Fi MMO Game Legacy of Romulus

The Foundry for Star Trek Online gives players a chance to create and share their very own stories with the world. These Spotlight Missions were designed by members of the Star Trek Online community and are great playable examples of what you, too, can add to the Star Trek Online universe.

This week’s spotlighted mission is "Malleus Maleficarum" by Dewey001.

Faction: Federation
Level Requirement: 31+
Mission Summary: Your ship is set to rendezvous with one of your shuttles to retrieve several Duty Officers from a routine mission when something goes awry. The shuttle won't respond to hails and your sensors are jammed. Beam down to the planet to unravel the mystery, confront the paranormal, and fight through a "labyrinth of the mind" to rescue your crewmembers.

((To play this Foundry mission, log onto a Federation or Romulan allied with the Federation character, open your Mission Journal (J), and click on 'Hail' under the section labeled 'FOUNDRY' in the "Overview" tab. You will see that this Foundry mission is spotlighted in that section.))

Officer testimonials about this mission:

"This is an amazing and solid mission with a really good TOS feel to it." - @XR-377

"Very interesting. Works just as a thriller or horror story should." - @rossi320

"This was a brilliantly well told story with excellent set pieces. Definitely in the vein of great Star Trek storytelling." - @Captain_Farrior

For more information about the Foundry, including how to play community-authored Foundry missions and resources on how to create your own mission, check out this Guest Blog.

Foundry Spotlight Missions Index

Click here to learn more about Legacy of Romulus, our free-to-play expansion for Star Trek Online. Advance your journey of rebuilding the Romulan legacy with a Legacy Pack purchase! Click on the logo below to learn more about it.

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