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Star Trek Online

Champions of Sompek Contest!

Von Ambassador Kael | Mo 16 Okt 2017 10:00:00 PDT

In the Arena of Sompek, you test yourself against multitudes of enemies. You test yourself against deadly traps. And sometimes you even test yourself against the clock. But this time, Captains on Xbox One and Playstation 4 will have an opportunity to test themselves against a brand new opponent – each other.

We’re holding a Champions of Sompek Contest, where great prizes will go to the three teams that go the farthest in the Arena during this three week event. This is a chance for you and your friends to win amazing starships and items, and for your names to be written into glory forever. Here’s how it works:

  1. Gather a team and venture into the untimed version of the Arena of Sompek. Fight, and win, as long as you can.

  2. When the last moments have come and the Arena has bested you, take a screenshot using the Xbox One or PS4’s screenshot tools. Make sure it’s showing the full UI, including the names of your teammates, and the number of rounds you completed.

  3. Send that screenshot, along with the Gamertags or PSN IDs of you and your team to ambassadorkael@gmail.com, with the subject line “Champions of Sompek.”

Keep in mind that we can’t accept your score without the Gamertags or PSN IDs of your teammates, so make sure to talk to them about it beforehand!

Each week, we’ll post a new article showing you the current top contenders, so make sure you keep an eye out to know what to strive for!

But wait – we hear you cry – we mentioned fabulous prizes, but not what they were. Well, here you go:

The Top Scoring team will win a Krenim Science Vessel and the title "Champion of Sompek" for each member of their team.

The Second Place Scoring team will win a Jem Hadar Attack Ship for each member of their team.

And the Third Place Scoring team will win Red Matter Capacitors for each member of their team.

Go out there, fight for honor and glory, and win your selves some prizes, Captains. Qapla’!

sto-xbox, sto-playstation, star-trek-online,

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