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New Companion: The Siege Master Reports In!

Von Andy (StrumSlinger) | Mi 16 Dez 2015 10:09:00 PST

With the time spent nurturing your stronghold, it’s time we released a companion that benefits directly from it. Announcing the Siege Master companion, available for purchase in the Zen Market on December 17! With this dashing new companion comes a unique bonus fit for your stronghold home.

A veteran of the Wilhon Mercenary Corps, the Siege Master will definitely be a benefit on the battlefield.

The Siege Master is a Defender companion and has initial points in Hit Points, Defense and Regeneration.

His initial Active Bonus gives you a 3% increase in damage. If you’re in the stronghold map, this bonus increases to 7%.

Quite the useful companion to have around, isn’t it?

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