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Patch Notes: Version: NW.125.20210219a.12

Von Julia (nitocris83) | Mi 17 Mär 2021 19:39:05 PDT

Note: If you have a bound Staff of Flowers at Rare or Mythic rank, and you had originally planned to sell or trade it, please unequip it before server maintenance.

Release Notes


Content and Environment


  • Jungles of Chult Conqueror: This legacy campaign quest now properly gains credit from instanced areas.
  • Players no longer incorrectly receive level-up mail pointing them to content that is no longer accessible.
  • The in-game quest achievements, Sharandar: Complete and Sharandar: Lairs, have been removed from the in-game achievement list as they can no longer be completed.
  • Underdark Campaign: Players no longer need to complete any introductory quests to begin this campaign.
  • Undermountain (Uprising): Various quests that require a kill count have had the required count reduced to 10, to counterbalance the fact that NPCs sometimes killed enemies without granting the player credit.

Vault of Stars

  • Achievements: Players can now properly complete these achievements if they previously had an unsuccessful attempt:
    • Adventurers Together, Strong
    • Elusive Prey
    • The Power of Friendship
    • Wait Your Turn
  • If players are defeated in the maze, it should be less likely for them to return to the start of the dungeon.
  • The queue description now properly mentions Seals of the Wild.



Combat and Powers

Classes and Balance

  • Paladin (Oathkeeper): Resolved an issue wherein Hand of Divinity did not trigger the effect of Bond of Virtue.

Item Powers

  • The most recent nerf to the Mirage weapon set has been reverted, except for Rogue bleeds. It should now deal more damage in most cases.



Enemies and Encounters

Castle Ravenloft

  • The difficulty of the chapel encounter has been further reduced.



Items and Economy


  • Shimmering Lockbox: There is no longer a Rank 3 Bonding Runestone in the Trade Bar Store when participating in this tutorial.


  • Staff of Flowers: Rare through Mythic ranks now properly only bind when equipped.
    • All unequipped Staff of Flowers that are bound to character, will automatically be unbound as of this update, as long as they are not equipped!

Zen Market

  • Campaign buyouts can now consistently be purchased, even if a player has already completed the campaign, in order to allow them to trade or sell the campaign completion token.
  • Players who purchased the Rat Pup via the Zen Market can now reclaim this companion there.



User Interface

Character Creation

  • A new hairstyle no longer displays a development-oriented name.


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