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Developer Blog: Expedition Pack of Good Intentions

Von Julia (nitocris83) | Di 02 Jun 2020 11:02:18 PDT

So you’re heading to hell? For most, that tends to be a one-way trip. If you wish to survive your visit to Avernus, there’s someone that would like to meet you first.

A New Friend in a New Place

Hey Every-body! My name is Lulu and I’m a hollyphant! Why is little ol’ me going to Avernus? Well, I got something every important to do, though I don’t remember what it is! But that’s not going to stop me! Maybe while I try to remember, I can help you in your own important mission! Two noses are better than one, and my nose is extra-long!

As you can see, I can be quite helpful! And that’s not all! I have things I’ve been collecting that I thought would be helpful in Avernus. I’m just sure these will be useful to such an experienced hero as you!

I saved up some Coalescent Wards and this piece of paper that says it’s a ‘Title’ for a Kind Wanderer. That sounds just like you! Oh, and there’s this shiny box that claims to hold a ‘Legendary Insignia’. Sounds so fancy! I don’t know what that actually means, but I just know you will want it!

A Hellish Surprise!

But just you wait new friend! I know that going to hell doesn’t sound like fun, but I have a surprise for you when we get there! I stashed a goody bag full of other treaties in Hell! Once we get there, you get all of them!

I for sure know that I left a bunch of lockbox keys in my bag, and some campaign currencies that they use down in Avernus! Oh, I almost forgot about the funny little odds and ends that I found lying around! These items sure look like they can be used on Infernal gear to upgrade them into something special! But I only got enough for one upgrade, so make sure you choose the right upgrade for you!

Oh, and you should know! My goody bags always tend to attract all kinds of interesting peoples and beasts! So I expect we will pick up a few new friends as well!

I’m already so excited! So, what are we waiting for, new friend?! Let’s start our new adventure right away!

Lulu's Bag of Goodies

Besides all the great items that you will get right away from purchasing the Expedition Pack of Good Intentions, there is one extra item pack to be claimed once Neverwinter: Avernus goes live! With the purchase of the Expedition Pack, the Lulu’s Bag of Goodies will be yours to pick up free at the Reclaims Agent!

If you are interested in surviving the darkness of Avernus, please check out the Zen Store for this new pack that will be available for purchase on launch day!


Chantelle Tatum
Systems Designer

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