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Patch Notes: Version: NW.120.20200204a.12

Von Julia (nitocris83) | Mi 19 Feb 2020 23:38:44 PST

Known Issues

Having a buyback log of 50 or more items can cause the game client to crash. A fix will be in the next release.

Note: This issue appears to affect version NW.120.20200204a.5 as well.


Release Notes


Content and Environment


  • The Barlgura Heroic Encounter now spawns fewer, but stronger, adds.
  • Various changes have been made to the environment art and visual effects in Avernus to improve performance. Most of these shouldn't be too noticeable, but as an example, the protective field around Vallenhas Keep will now fade at a distance.



Combat and Powers

Classes and Balance

  • Warlock: Soul Sparks are now properly generated when the warlock has Hellfire Expertise.

Item Powers

  • Berserker's Might: This item power no longer keeps players in a combat state after combat ends.



Items and Economy


  • More vanished coupons have been restored, so that they can vanish gracefully instead of leaving a permanent hole in the inventory.



User Interface


  • Lifetime PvP Stats now properly display values other than 0.


  • The Trade Bar Merchant no longer incorrectly opens the Zen Market to the Supplies category when the player selects the "Purchase Enchanted Keys" dialog option.



Animation, Audio, Character Art, and Effects

Character Art

  • Certain capes and cloaks that were previously invisible on female characters (but visible on male) now show up for everyone.


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