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Developer PvP Event!

Von Julia (nitocris83) | Fr 20 Sep 2019 07:00:00 PDT

Greetings Adventurers!

On Monday September 23, a group of intrepid Developers will venture into the battleground to test their mettle against your forces!

Time and date?
Monday, September 23, 5-6pm PT. (When is this for me?)

Where will the event take place?
In order to not impact any live-facing stats or metrics, the event will take place on the Preview shard. For information on how to access Preview and transfer a character, please go here

Who will be there?
A group of developers from across multiple disciplines will be participating. They will be identified as Developers and will be part of the guild called "Cryptic Studios". 

How do I play against/with the Devs?
Developers will either group up with individuals on a first-come first-serve basis or queue as a Dev-only group to face player-only teams.


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