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Developer Blog: Level Cap Increase

Von Julia (nitocris83) | Di 19 Feb 2019 06:15:00 PST


The Undermountain expansion doesn’t just bring with it a new set of challenges and a new story line, it also brings with it a new level cap of 80!

While exploring Undermountain, players will be adventuring in zones above level 70. If you survive all of the challenges Undermountain throws at you, you will come out the other side at level 80 and ready for an all new dungeon experience.

To go along with the increase to level 80, you will find:

  • Each class has at least one new Daily, Encounter and At-Will, but that is just the surface of what is in store for our classes. Make sure to read more about it here.
  • Our quest for better balance has brought changes to our core formulas and ratings. Read more about that here.
  • Keep your eyes open while delving the layers of Undermountain, not just for dangers and traps, but for the glint of treasure hidden throughout. As players advance to level 80 so does the gear. Undermountain brings new equipment ranging from level 71 to 80, new seal gear, new dungeon equipment, and even new higher item level artifacts for players to enjoy.


Undermountain isn’t just a level cap raise or a new campaign, it brings with it a lot of core work and redesigns to make the game more balanced as well as to improve group play and dungeon challenges. Make sure to check back for all of the blogs over the coming weeks which will go into depth on all of the parts of this expansion.

Overall there is a lot to learn about in this update and a mountain filled with the magics of Halaster to explore and discover. Welcome to Undermountain!

Jared Sears
Lead Systems Designer

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