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Patch Notes: Version: NW.85.20170808a.17

Von Julia (nitocris83) | Mi 27 Sep 2017 16:33:46 PDT

Release Notes


Content and Environment


  • Hunt targets now drop lore entries when defeated.
  • House of the Crocodile: It should now be more difficult for this quest to become stuck.


  • Summer Festival: The profession tasks to make Guild Feasts are now properly repeatable.
  • Portobello's Game: Artificer's Workshop: The final Beholder Tank click should no longer become stuck in a non-interactable state.
    • KNOWN ISSUE: The updated interaction is a little finicky.  It's there, but can be somewhat difficult to click on.


  • River District no longer doubles up on Ritual Timers.
  • The frame rate in Fangbreaker Island should no longer take a major hit when the Dragon Turtle uses its Body Slam ability.



Items and Economy


  • Aboleth Artifact Weapons: The Impending Death effect no longer causes enemies to dance.
  • Primal and Pioneer Chest Armor: Stats were reviewed and discrepancies were addressed.

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