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Patch Notes: Version: NW.85.20170711b.10

Von Julia (nitocris83) | Mi 09 Aug 2017 22:10:44 PDT

Release Notes

Content and Environment

Soshenstar River

  • An attempt has been made to prevent Spli-ti from getting stuck in an unsummonable state.
  • Another Tyrannosaur path has been added, and Tyrannosaurs spawn a little more frequently.
  • Bone Golems now spawn less frequently.
  • Merchant Princes' Bounty
    • The weekly quest "Merchant Princes' Bounty" now grants completion credit for "slaying a hunt mark" when a player engages a rare spawn in combat and it is killed, regardless of the damage they deal to the target.
    • The text for the quest "Merchant Princes' Bounty" has been updated to more clearly outline its objectives.

Tomb of the Nine Gods

  • The Quest Path now properly continues after the Avatar of Orcus encounter.
  • The three-mimic puzzle now removes options as mimics are killed off.
  • Trap triggering cutscenes now correctly show the character who triggered them.


  • Epic Seals: This quest can once again be completed.
  • Icewind Dale: Needless Distractions: Heroic Encounters in Dwarven Valley now properly give credit toward this quest.


Combat and Powers

Trickster Rogue

  • Shadow of Demise now calculates its damage based on the damage dealt before the enemy's damage resistance is taken into account, and no longer benefits twice from buffs or debuffs on an enemy.


  • Companions no longer have lower stats than they had prior to the release of Tomb of Annihilation.
  • The Chultan Hunter and Tamed Velociraptor companions now give Item Level equivalent to other similar companions.
  • The Chultan Hunter companion no longer allows players to gain bonus currency beyond timed caps.


  • Charm of the Serpent: This artifact's power no longer has charge-up behavior.


Items and Economy


  • Batiri Voodoo Doll: This item once again displays its name in its tooltip.
  • Heroic Encounters now grant adjusted Chultan Riches.  Camp Vengeance grants 100, and King of Spines gives 50.
  • League and League's Elite feet slot items now properly grant their run speed buff under their stated conditions.
  • More tweaks have been made to Chultan Treasure reward drop rates.
  • Players no longer incorrectly gain extra reputation from certain campaign quests.


  • All players who engage in combat with a rare monster will now have a chance of earning a trophy when it is killed, regardless of the damage they deal to the target.
  • Heroic Encounters now award a T-Rex Fang directly to the inventory when the player earns one.
  • Heroic Encounter scoreboards no longer show a T-Rex Fang if the player cannot collect one.
  • The amount of loot granted from 1, 2 and 3 star hunt marks has been increased.
  • When players engage a rare monster in combat as a group, all players will now have a chance of earning a trophy when it is killed.


  • Fishing rewards no longer incorrectly show T-Rex fangs that the player cannot collect (for example, when they already have one in their inventory).


User Interface


  • Users of certain Corsair keyboards with contextual lighting can now use the command "gfxEnable 0" in order to pause the changes in lighting.  To turn it back on again, they can use "gfxEnable 1" instead.


Art, Animation, and Effects


  • Several fixes have been made to certain creature, character, and cutscene animations.


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