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2x Guild Marks Weekend for both PC and Xbox One!

Автор: Andy (StrumSlinger) | Ср 18 май 2016 08:00:00

With Alliances coming up, it's time to decide who to team up with! Before that happens, we're turning on 2x Guild Marks for the weekend. Adventurers who bring glory to their guild will be rewarded. If you haven’t completed your Strongholds gear or simply wish for a set of PvP gear, this weekend is the opportunity to receive more Guild Marks!

During this event, you will receive double the amount of Guild Marks that you would normally get in Neverwinter. You can earn Guild Marks any time you contribute to your guild’s coffer.

PC: 2x Guild Marks Begins: Thursday, May 19 at 7AM PT (or after maintenance is over)

PC: 2x Guild Marks Ends: Monday, May 23 at 10AM PT


Xbox One: 2x Guild Marks Begins: Thursday, May 19 at 10AM PT

Xbox One: 2x Guild Marks Begins: Monday, May 23 at 10AM PT

Please note that the guild armor requires a stronghold marketplace of Rank 2 to purchase.

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