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2x Stronghold Shards!

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Пт 22 дек 2017 08:00:00

A double stronghold shards week is coming up! Earn twice the amount of shards you normally would and strengthen your guild!

2x Stronghold Shards Starts Sunday, December 24 at 7:30am PT (PC) and 10am PT (Console)

2x Stronghold Shards Ends Tuesday, January 2 at 7:30am PT (PC) and 10am PT (Console)

Stronghold Shards available include:

Adventurer’s Shard of Power – Obtained from Heroic Encounters and Campaign Daily quests from the Stronghold.

Conqueror’s Shard of Power – Obtained from PvP quests like Domination and Stronghold Siege from the Stronghold.

Dungeoneer’s Shard of Power – Obtained from Dungeon quests from the Stronghold.

Heroic Shard of Power – Obtained from special in-stronghold quests and Heroic Encounters.

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