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This Weekend in Neverwinter!

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Чт 17 авг 2017 07:40:59

A double Stronghold Shards weekend is coming up! Earn twice the amount of shards you normally would and strengthen your guild!

In addition, Lord Neverember has a declared there be 20% off Mounts and 15% off keys in the Zen Market!

Double Event and Sales start Thursday, August 17 at 10am PT (or after maintenance)

Double Event and Sales end Monday, August 21 at 10am PT. 

Keys are your ticket to some of the best gear, mounts, and companions available in Neverwinter! Enchanted keys will open the Lockbox of the Nine with a chance to get the Celestial Stag!

nw-xbox, nw-playstation,

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